Team Rocket

Made famous by the animated television series, these trainers, also known as Team Rocket, are not featured as individuals in the game. Instead, troops from Team Rocket will battle Ash as a group. However, in the television series Ash often confronts a specific unit from Team Rocket, which consists of three Characters:


The son of a wealthy family, James, together with his longtime partner Jesse, aims to locate as many rare Pokémon as possible. James sees Pikachu, Ash's companion and an extremely rare Pokémon, as a valuable prize for his Team Rocket companions — a prize that must be captured at any cost. Age=12


Also a key member of Team Rocket, Jesse is James's partner. She's rather conceited, but her strength makes her a valuable, and sinister, member of Team Rocket. Jesse attempts to thwart Ash's quest to become a great trainer every chance she gets, and her desire to capture Pikachu is as powerful as James's. Age=12


Although a Pokémon, Meowth is Team Rocket's third member. Meowth's objective is to assist James and Jesse in their effort to collect rare Pokémon, and it is the only Pokémon able to speak the human language. While ambitious and often crafty, Meowth's hasty actions often cause the cat-like Pokémon to overlook important details, which is why Meowth often experiences failure.

The Pledge

Prepare For Trouble

Make it double

To protect the world from devestation

To unite all peoples within our nation

To denounce the evils of truth and love

To extend our reach to the stars above



Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light

Surrender now or prepare to fight

Mewoth, That'sRight!